Wo kommen wir hin - Music for Future Images

28/04/2019, 20:00

Akademie der Künste
Hanseatenweg 10, Berlin

An obstinate canon, live voices and a listening image singing the world after the end of the world, sound as behavioural mirror, the melodies of taking pictures, and an electric bass ensemble playing sculptures that have not yet been produced. Compiled by Augustin Maurs.

Augustin Maurs, Canon – for loudspeakers, started 2014
Yutaka Makino, Behavioural Study #1, 2019
Annika Larsson/E.I THe Blob/Satch Hoyt, It’s After the End of the World – for voices and a listening image, 2019
Karin Sander, Blitzkonzert, 2008
Augustin Maurs/Angela Bulloch, Heavy Metal Hercules – for electric bass ensemble after coordinates from Angela Bulloch’s Heavy Metal Stack yet not produced Sculptures, 2017.

With the Berlin Bass Ensemble.

The exhibition „Karin Sander: Telling Art and Futures – Die Dialektik des Utopischen“ will be open from 7 pm. This event is part of “Wo kommen wir hin”.
