Non-knowledge, Laughter & The Moving Image presents: Satch Hoyt: Introduction to Afro Sonic Mapping

Non-knowledge, Laughter & The Moving Image presents:
Satch Hoyt: Introduction to Afro Sonic Mapping

Artist Talk

14th May 2019
HFBK, Hamburg

Satch is a visual artist and musician, currently living in Berlin. His work has been presented, among others, in Respect Hip Hop Style and Wisdom, at Oakland Museum of California (2018); in Dak’Art Biennial (2018) and Documenta 14 (2017). Recent performances include Hair Combing Cycle (2017) He is currently working on the album Cleopatra’s Chariot with Earl Harvin and a film collaboration with Jordane Maurs. In October he will have an HKW exhibition Afro Sonic Mapping, Berlin 2019 is part of the long-term project „Kanon-Fragen“, supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media due to a ruling of the German Bundestag.

In Venice this year I also had the pleasure to collaborate with him on a performance that was exploring sonic visions of a utopian planet through Sun Ra’s incantation “Its After the End of the World”.

Project like this as well as Satch ongoing longterm project Afro-Sonic Mapping-which is tracing Aural Histories via Sonic Transmigrations make his work particularly relevant to this research project. Within Afro-sonic navigational terms, we may permit ourselves to encounter imagined utopic planetary terrains, therein enabling the reinvention of past, present and future time-looped frequencies.

Link to video of the talk: